Biology Study Guide Chapter 1-5 Flashcards

Flashcards Quiz based on the concept of Biology Study Guide Chapter 1-5. Important key terms, definitions, Statements, and much more are provided within the flashcard quiz to learn and understand. Try to attempt the Flashcard Quiz and make your learning of solubility easy and smooth with this.

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The core idea that makes sense of the unity and the diversity of life is
In an experiment similar to the mimicry experiment performed by the Pfennings, a researcher found that more total predator attacks occurred on model king snakes in areas with coral snakes than in areas outside the range of coral snakes. From this the researcher concluded that
The data that should be compared to draw a conclusion must include a control-- a comparison with the number of attacks on model brown snakes
Why can a hypothesis never be "proven" to be true
There may always be alternative untested hypotheses that might account for the results
What is an example of positive feedback regulation
In the birth of a baby, uterine contractions stimulate release of chemicals that stimulate more uterine contractions
Which of the following is mismatched with its description:
model organisms- using type organisms to characterize each domain and kingdom
scientific inquiry- generating hypotheses; formulating predictions; conducting experiments or making observations
genomics- studying whole sets of genes of a species and between species
taxonomy- identifying and naming organisms and placing them in hierarchical categories
technology- inventing practical uses of scientific knowledge
Model organisms
In a pond sample, you find a unicellular organism that has numerous chloroplasts and a whiplike flagellum. what group should it be classified in
One of the proposed kingdoms of protists
What is DNA?
The substance of hereditya double helix made of four types of nucleotidesa code for protein synthesisa component of chromosomes
Which theme of biology is most related to the goals and practices of systems biology
New properties emerge at each level in the biological hierarchy
Each element has its own characteristic atom in which
The atomic number is constant
What are considered trace elements in the human body?
A sodium ion (Na+) contains 10 electrons, 11 protons, and 12 neutrons. what is the atomic number of sodium?
Radioactive isotopes can be used in studies of metabolic pathways because
Their location or quantity can be experimentally determined because of their radioactivity
Which of the following atomic numbers would describe the element that is least reactive? 1 8 12 18 16
Describe what happens as a chlorophyll pigment absorbs energy from sunlight
An electron moves to a higher electron shell and the electron's potential energy increases
How are the electrons of an oxygen atom arranged?
Two in the 1s orbital, two in both the 2s and 2px orbitals, and one each in the 2py and 2pz orbitals, creating a valence of two