Bio 201 Anatomy and Physiology
Bone Tissue Flash Cards

73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Individual bones are made up of:
Bone tissue marrow cartilage periosteum
What are the different types of bones?
Long short flat irregular
Humerus radius ulna metacarpals phalanges femur tibia fibula metatarsals phalanges
Examples of long bones
What are examples of short bones?
Carpals (wrist) tarsals (ankle)
Sternum (breastbone) scapular (shoulder blade) os coxae (hip bone) ribs most cranial bones
Examples of flat bones
Sphenoid & ethmoid bones of the cranium vertebrate (backbone or spine)
Irregular bones
External and internal surfaces of flat bone are composed of
Compact bone (middle layer is spongy bone-diploe)
Reside in endosteum or periosteum multiply continuously & differentiate into osteoblasts
Osteogenic cells
Form organic matter of matrix & help to mineralize it in response to stress or fractures
Osteoblasts that have become trapped --signal osteoclasts & osteoblasts about mechanical stresses
Bone-dissolving cells develop in bone marrow reside in pits called resorption bays
What is the organic matter in the Matrix of the osseous tissue?
Matrix of Osseous tissue is 1/3 organic has collagen, glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans & glycoproteins
What is in the inorganic matter in the matrix of the osseous tissue?
85% hydroxyapatite 10% calcium carbonate other minerals
Defective mineralization of bones can result in:
Rickets (in children) and Osteomalacia (in adults)
In the spongy bone, spongelike appearance formed by rods and plates of bone called:
Trabeculae - spaces filled with red bone marrow