Bio 169 Test 1 Chapter 18

Flashcards for Edgecombe Community College Bio 169 Chapter 18.

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the innermost tunica of a blood vessel?
Tunica intima
What is the tunica intima made of and why?
Endothelium forms a smooth friction reducing lining
What space does all three tunics of the blood vessels surround?
What layer of the blood vessels consist of smooth muscle cells and sheets of elastin?
Tunica media
What tunca layer anchors the blood vessels to its surrounding structures and protects the blood vessels?
Tunica adventita
What blood vessel is exposed to the highest pressure of any blood vessels?
What blood vessels has the thickest tunica media and why?
Arteries because of the high blood pressure which allows vessel to constrict and dilate
What are the smallest blood vessels?
What vessel links the arteries and veins in the pathway of blood?
What is the layer that makes up the capillary wall?
Tunica intima-because the exchange of materials between blood and intersital fluid
What vessels are fartherest from the heart and therefore las the least pressure?
Why do veins have thinner walls than arteries but a larger lumen?
Veins have larger lumens to allow a large volume of blood.
What is the heaviest wall layer in veins?
Tunica adventitia (externa)
What is the correct pathway of blood? There are six parts.
Heart elastic arteries muscular arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins
Which vessel experiences the widest variation in pressure of any vessel type?
Aorta- closest to the heart