BCIS Can You Pass This Basic True/ False Computer Test

BCIS, can you pass this basic true/ false computer test? Computers are taking over the world, and it has become necessary for people to know some of the basics surrounding this machine. How about you give the flashcards below a read and see if your knowledge about computers is right, or your facts are not accurate. All the best!

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 213

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True or false: Computers process information (output) into data (input).
False. Process data into information.
True or false: Communications has become an essential element of the information processing cycle.
True or false: The two categories of software are system software and utility software.
False. They're system software and application software.
True or false: When a user starts a computer, portions of the operating system load into the computer's hard disk from memory.
True or false: Employees that telecommute have rigid work schedules that prevent them from combining work and personal responsibilities.
Some people refer to the series of input, process, output, and storage activities as the ___ processing cycle.
The ___ unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer that are used to process data.
____ consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions.
A(n) ___- device is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more people.
A(n) ___ device records (writes) and/or retrieves (reads) items to and from a USB flash drive, for example.
A widely used communications device is a ____.
True or false: The design of the ABC computer by Dr. John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry in the late 1930's provided the foundation for the development of electronic digital computers.
True or false: the first commercially available digital computer was the IBM PC.
False. First was Univac.
True or false: It was the UNIVAC I that was responsible for the public becoming increasingly aware of the devlelopment of electronic digital computers, when it predicted the outcome of the 1952 presidential election.
True or false:Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston designed the first word processing program