Art of Racing in the Rain

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36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What do you think Eve’s parents’ motives were for trying to get custody of Zoë?
What do you think Eve’s parents’ motives were for trying to get custody of Zoë?
What role does the stuffed zebra play in the book?
Would dogs really be able to take over the world if they had opposable thumbs?
Do the mental aspects of race car driving that Denny tells Enzo really apply to life as a whole?
Does Enzo interact with other dogs in the book?
What do the people in Enzo’s life tell him that they might not tell others?
Why does it matter so much to Enzo that in the next life he return as a man?
Does Enzo really come back as a human as the epilogue suggests?
Why is Enzo not impressed with Eve’s extended family?
What do Achilles, Samson, and Oepedius have in common?
Why do racing fans prefer Ayrton Senna over Michael Schumacher?
Why does Eve end up throwing a party?
What happens in Enzo’s dream?
Denny Swift wants to be a...? 1) Baker 2) Formula 1 driver 3) Doctor 4)Mechanic