Art Appreciation Test 1

Art appreciation class notecards

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What is Art?
Art is a unique, creative, tangible expression that communicates and is intended to be art.
Materials used to make art.
Ex:Watercolor is a painting medium
6 Elements of Art

Color Composition Line Light Space Shape
Paleolithic (years, def.)
Old stone age 35,000-10,000ya This is when the first sophisticated art appears
The belief of Paleolithic peoples that all things have a "soul", "spirit" or non-physical component
Question 6
1. Paleolithic
2. Hall of Bulls
3. It is located in france
Question 7
1. Paleolithic
2. Venus of Willendorf
3. Found in Austria
New stone age During this period agriculture was discovered and the climate patterns were greatly changing
What is the "Neolithic Revolution" and what were the side effects of it.
The Neolithic revolution was a change in the world after the ice age from nomadic life to a settled agricultural life. Hunter gatherer nomads became farmers and herders.
Neolithic revolution essay cont.

Farming ideas
1. plow to break up the soil
2. Irrigation to water the crops
3. Scythe to harvest crops
4. Grind stone to grind harvested grain into flour
5.ceramics to store the harvested crops
Neolithic revolution essay cont

Animals ideas
1. sheers to cut fur from animals
2. Fences to keep animals in and others out
3.The wheel to help move wagons being pulled by tha animals
4.spindle/spinning wheel to make harvested fur into yarn
5.Loom to turn yarn into cloth
Neolithic essay cont.

settling ideas
1. Government
2. Laws
3. craft specialization/ trade
4. War
5. Diseases/Epidemics
Agriculture (Began where with what)
Manipulating the genes of plants. Began in middle east with wheat
Domestication of animals(first ones?)
Manipulating genes of animals

Sheep, goats, pigs
To settle in place