AP History Final

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100 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What was important about the development of agriculture?
Changed man's physical environment
What ended the period of the river valley civilizations??
Various civilizations first established contacts between the regions.
What was the first "revolution" in people history?
The Agricultural Revolution
Why were priests so important in early civilizations?
Interpreted the god's wishes and placated the deities.
What is an example of patriarchal society?After marriage, a woman moved to the residence of her husband's family.
After marriage, a woman moved to the residence of her husband's family
What was the influence of periodic nomadic invasions?
Caused disruptions, but facilitated innovations, and prompted synthesis.
What was special about the Harappan /Indus River Valley civilizations?
Had system of writing that has never been translated.
How was early civilization in China different?
Probably developed after civilizations in the Nile Valley and Southwest asia.
How were classical China and postclassical muslim societies simlar?
Commonalities of the spoken or written language.
How was feudalism counterbalanced?
Created strong national armies capable of surppressing aristocratic independence.
Why was the simple life so simple during the Middle Ages?
Were burdened by obligations to the rules and local nobles
How did classical societies differ from river valley civilizations?
Their societal institutions were more complex
What did pastoral nomads do?
Lived on the grassy plains of the continents, where sedentary agriculture was extremely difficult.
What were the rights of women in the nomadic societies?
Belonged to paternalistic societies as strong as any sedentary societies.
What are examples of contacts between sedentary and nomadic peoples?
Acceptance of eachother and each other's ways of life