AP EURO - Chapter 13

Chapter 13- Reformation and Reilgious Warefare in the sixteenth century

38 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The Selling of Church offices
Having more than one church office
Passing down of church offices to relatives
Christian Humanism
Intellectual movement in Northern Europe in the late 15th century that combined the interest in the classics of the italian Renaissance with an interest in the sources of early christianity, including the new testament and the writings of the church fathers
Desiderius Erasmus and Praise of Folly
Most influential of Christian Humanists and formulated the reform
Inner piety not external
Saw church corruption and wanted to reform but not break away
book addressed the corruption
didn't achieve reform
Thomas More and Utopia
Grew up and became a humanist after working with gov
Book about idealistic society and presented a new social system of communal ownership
Martin Luther and the 95 Thesis
Deeply religious but didn't fit with the traditioal views of the Catholic church so he split and created his own church
95 thesis was list of complaints of the corruption
Leipzig Debate and renunciation of papal authority
Where Luther denyed the authority of the pope and would not recant
Charles V
Holy Roman Emperor when Luther didn't recant
Outlawed Lutheranism
Edict of Worms
The edict of Chales that banned Luther and his texts
Peasant Wars
When Thomas Muntzer rieled the peasants to rebel and to get the favor of the gov Luther told the cov to fight and stop the peasants
Habsburg-Valois Wars (1521 – 1544)
Wars between Charles V and Francis of France over territories in the south of France, the Netherlands, Thineland, northern Spain and Italy.
1527 sack of Rome
Pope sided with France in Habsburg-Valaois War so Charles V sacked Rome as retaliation
Pope then returned to the side of Charles and Italy fell into his control
Charles V v. Suleiman the Magnificent
War with Ottoman Turks in Hungry ofter they killed C's Brother
Schmalkaldic Wars (1546 – 1547)
Schmalkaldic League V. Charles V