Anatomy Lab Practical- The Heart Flashcards

The study, learn and revise the Anatomy Lab Practical Four- The Heart with our quiz based flashcards. Here are the key terms, definitions, words, and much more related to the topic of the Heart- location, layers, blood circulation, conduction system, which is simple and easy to learn with our flashcards. ​

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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The heart is located...
In the mediastinum of the thoracic cavity.

(between the sternum, lungs and thoracic vertebrae)
The serous membrane of the heart is...
The pericardium.
Outer Parietal
Attaches heart to mediastinum.
has fibrous tissue so heart doesn't over expand.
Visceral Layer
Called epicardium. lines the surface of the heart.
Pericardial Cavity
Space between parietal and visceral layer. filled with fluid to reduce friction. Both layers have mesothelium that secrete serous fluid.
Muscle of the heart.
uninucleated cardiac muscle cells.
Line the heart chambers. inner layer of the heart. endothelial cells.
Regulates its own relaxation and contraction phases without nerve stimulation.
can be affected by nerve stimulation.
Sinu-Atrial Node (SA Node)
Action potential originates here.
Atrivoventricular node (AV node)
Pass slowly through atrium wall so atria can contract.
Atrioventricular bundle
Signal passes through here to divide into left and right bundles to the ventricles.
Purkinje fibers
Begin at apex of ventricles. stimulate ventricle walls simultaneously to elicit stronger contraction.
Located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch respond to increase in blood pressure. this stretches the carotid arteries and aorta. increase action potential generation.
Medulla Oblongatta
Receives information from the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves from the heart to increase parasympathetic stimulation.
Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
Deliver blood to right atrium.