AF Test For Air Force


35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Which statement BEST defines Air and Space Power?
The synergistic application of air, space, and information systems to project global strategic military power.
Which of the following are Air Force core competencies?
Developing Airmen, Technology-to-Warfighting, Integrating Operations
A statement of how we think airpower should be employed or a belief in the best way to use airpower is best defined as ________?
The terms Unity of Command, Objective, Mass, Maneuver, Economy of Force, Security, Surprise and Simplicity are known as ________?
Principles of War
The fundamental truths unique to the air and space environment and to the application of Air and space power are known as ________ (Airpower thru WWI, SOB 5)?
Tenets of Airpower
Many ballooning firsts happened in this decade, beginning with the Montgolfier Brothers sending 3 animals (a duck, a sheep and a rooster) up in a balloon on a test flight.
He started in the bicycle business like the Wright Brothers. In 1907, Alexander Graham Bell invited him to join his Aerial Experiment Association where he designed aircraft controlled by ailerons (rather than the wing warping used by the Wrights). By 1914 he was the leading aircraft manufacturer in the US
Glenn Curtiss
His interest in airpships was inspired by a visit to the US during the Civil War where he witnessed the use of tethered balloons at military observation posts. His first rigid airship made its maiden voyage on July 2, 1900 and his name was soon synonymous with rigid dirigibles
Ferdinand von Zeppelin
He was the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and his experimentation with flight was funded by the US War Department. A mere 9 days after his last failed attempt with his Great Aerodrome in Dec 1903, the Wright brothers had their first successful sustained, controlled flight. His failures made the U.S. Army skeptical of the Wright brothers invention
. Samuel Langley
He was scientific and practical in his glider experiments and had a reputation as “the flying man.” Most of his tests were carried out near Berlin. He died on August 10, 1896, the day after his glider stalled and crashed after being caught in a sudden gust of wind
Otto Lilienthal
Which of the following statements BEST describe the beliefs of Guilio Douhet
Air weapons should be able to break an enemy’s resistance by attacking port, railroads and economic structure
Strategic bombing is BEST described as________?
Attacking the heart of the enemy homeland in an attempt to destroy the enemy’s war making capability.
Which of the following statements BEST describes the Allied bombing campaign against Germany in World War I?
Fairly ineffective
The Battle of St. Mihiel, Sept 12, 1918, represented the first large-scale massing of airpower under central command. Who was that air commander?
Col. William “Billy” Mitchell
Which WWI ace had the most kills with 80?
Baron Manfred von Richthofen