Chapter 17 European Renaissanc

Section 1. Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance

141 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Means rebirth - revival of art and learning
The Renaissance was during what years?
1300 - 1600
The Renaissance wanted to bring back the culture of what?
Classical Rome and Greece
The Renaissance began in _____ and spread to the rest of _____.
Italy Europe
List 3 reasons why the Renaissance began in Italy:
1.Had thriving city states. 2.Wealthy merchant class developed. 3. Italy was the location for Classical Roman and Greece art and literature.
What led to the growth of city states?
Trade from crusades
Cities lead to what?
Intellectual revolution
Scholars looked down on what during the Middle Ages?
Art and literature
Who was the Medici family?
Family that ruled Florence, Italy. They owned a family bank that had offices throughout Italy and Europe.
What happened when the Turks took over Constantinople in 1453?
Christians fled to Rome with Greek manuscripts
Who took over Constantinople in 1453?
The Turks
What was the result of Christians studying the Greek manuscripts?
Scholars developed a new outlook on life and art
The study of classical texts led to what?
Focused on human potential and achievements:
Subjects such as history, literature, and philosophy: