What Do You Know About National Women's Rights Convention Flashcards

What do you know about the national women's rights convention? Unlike today where women not only have the rights to work, vote, and even become leaders the period when the first convention took place was nowhere as flexible as it is about equal rights and opportunities. These flashcards will help you learn some facts about these conventions. Try them out!

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The chief subject of discussion at the convention held in Seneca Falls, New York was
Women's rights.
Which one of the following is NOT a reason why immigrants to America were not welcome
C. They filled a need for unskilled labor.
Until the 1880s, the task of receiving immigrants fell on
The major factor that sent waves of Irish immigrants to the United States between 1845 and 1849 was
The Irish Potato Famine.
The city most affected by Irish immigration during the 1840s was
The typical German immigrant from the 1840s to the 1860s was a/an
Small farmer or artisan
Which one of the following would be an unlikely occupation for an American-born Irish man or woman?
College professor
German immigrants would be LEAST likely to settle
N northeastern cities.
What contributed to orienting the attention of each of the major seaports away from the oceans and toward trade with the nation's interior?
The market revolution
Which one of the following cities edged out Charleston to become one of the five largest cities in 1850?
New Orleans
The most significant demographic development of the period 1820-1850 was
Rapid population growth in the cities.
The fastest growing city in the United States between 1820 and 1860 was
New York.
Approximately 500,000 free African Americans resided in the United States by 1860, making up what percent of the total black population?
What was the most striking feature about income in the period 1820-1850?
There was a growing gap between rich and poor.
Most early nineteenth-century cities lacked
Municipal water supplies, sewers, and garbage collection.