APUSH: Chapter 3/4-4


84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Import tax
Nonimportation agreements
Promise of colonists not to buy or import British goods
Writs of assistance
Special, general search warrants the enforce townshend acts
Known as Delaware Prophet who told upset Indians to go back to old ways and not buy European goods
Pontiac's Rebellion
Ottawa chief rebellion in response to Neolin; ended when he failed to capture Forts Pitt and Detroit
Proclamation of 1763
Barred settlement west of Appalachians to colonists and required permission to fur trade
Sugar Act
(1764) import tax on foregin sugar,molasses and other items to pay back debts of French and Indian war
Stamp Act
(1765) tax on printed materials from documents to playing cards
Sons of Liberty
Committees of artisans lawyers merchants and politicians formed to protest Stamp Act
Samuel Adams
Leader of Boston Sons of Liberty; good at prganizing demonstartions and writing
Stamp Act Congress
Deligates from 9 colonies who met in NYC to express obligations to Stamp Act
Declaratory Act
Law passed by Parliment that said they had to authority to make laws in all cases for America
Townshend Acts
(1767) import duties on tea, lead glass and dye for paint
Quartering Act
(1765) required colonists to provide money to house and supply extra soldiers
Boston Massacre
(March, 5 1770) angry crowd gathered in front of a custons house and threw things at british soldiers; gun went off and 3 people were killed