2nd Six Weeks Test- Part 1: BioChemistry


39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What Is an Atom?(What is an Atom made from & Where are the particles found in an Atom)
Answer 1
The Basic Unit of matter
What is an Isotope?
Atoms of the same element that differ in the number of Neutrons they contain.
What is an Ion?
Positively and Negatively Charged ions.(lost a Atom or gained an atom:lost a electron or gained an electron)
What is a Convalent bond?
Form when atoms share electrons.
What is an Ionic Bond?
Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another.
What are Van Der Waals forces?
A slight attraction between oppositely charged Molecules.
What is a Chemical Formula?
A formula used to describe the types of atoms and their numbers in an element or compound.
What is a Chemical Reaction?
A process in which one or more substances are changed into a new substance.
What are the Parts to a Chemical Reaction?
Reactant: a substance which is in a chemical reaction. Product: substance which is produced by the chemical reaction.
Why are Water Molecules Polar?
Answer 10
Because of it's shape.
What is the definition of Suspension?
Mixture of water and non-dissolved materials.
What are Acids?
Compound that forms hydrogen ions (H+) in solution.
What are Bases?
Compound that produces hydroxide ions (OH+) in Solution.
A) Does an Acid or a Base have a higher concentration of H+ ions? b) Where are they found on a pH scale?
A) Acids have higher concentrations of H+ ions.b) Acids on lower numbers (under 7) / bases on higher numbers (over 7)
What is the main organic source of energy for living things?
Answer 15
The Sun