Psy1001 Exam

Total Flash Cards » 8
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The process of associating a behavior with its consequences is known as operant conditioning
A reaction that is learned through classical conditioning is referred to as a(n) conditioned response
A response to an unconditioned stimulus requiring no previous experience is referred to as a(n) unconditioned response
A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response after a specified period of time will be reinforced is called a fixed interval
A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement occurs after a set number of behaviors is called a fixed ratio schedule
A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response after a varying period of time is reinforced is called a(n variable interval schedule
An environmental cue or event whose significance is learned through classical conditioning is referred to as a(n) conditioned stimulus
As Ronnie hears a song on the radio, she feels stressed: her heart races, her hands became clammy, and her breathing became rapid. The song is familiar because it was very popular at a time when her parents were going through a divorce. During this time, they fought bitterly with one another, causing Ronnie intense anxiety. In this scenario, identify the following in the same respective order: the conditioned stimulus, the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned response, and the unconditioned response. song; parents fighting; anxiety towards song; anxiety towards parents fighting