Medical Terminology Flashcard Chapter

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Fascia Sheet of fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and seperates muscles or groups of muscles
Myofascial - My/o/fasci/al

means pertaining to muscle tissue and facia
Muscle Fibers

are the long, slender cells that make up muscles

my/o - means muscle

ten/o, tend/o, tendin /0

Tendons - are narrow band of nonelastic, dense, fibrous connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone.

Three types of Muscles

Skeletal, smooth, myocardial

Skeletal -muscles are attached to bones

Smooth -muscles are located in the walls of internal organs & control the flow of fluids through these structures

Myocardial- forms the muscular walls of the heart

Muscle innervation is the stimulation of a muscle by an impulse transmitted by a motor nerve. when the stimulation stops the muscles stops.
Neuromuscular means pertaining to the relationship between nerve and muscle
Antagonistic Muscle Pairs

means working in opposition to each other, when one muscle contracts the other relaxes

Contraction- is tightening of a muscle, it becomes shorter, thinner and enlarged.

Relaxation- occurs when a muscle returns to its original form becomes longer and thinner and is know longer enlarge.

movement of the limb away from the midline

ab- / means away
duct / means to lead
- ion / means action

abductor - is a muscle that moves a part aways form the midline
movement of limb towards the midline

ad- / means towards
duct / means to lead
- ion / means action

adductor - is a muscle that moves a part towards the midline
means decresing the angle between two bones by bending a limb at a joint.

flex / means to bend
-ion / means action

flexor - is a muscle that bends a limb at a joint
means increasing the angle between two bones or the straightening of a limb

ex-away from
tens-to stretch out

extensor- is a muscle that straightens a limb at a joint
is the extreme or overextension of a limb or body part beyond its limits.

hyper/ excessive
ex-/ away from
tens-/ to stretch out
is the act of raising or lifting a body part; such as raising the ribs when breathing ..

r -is a muscle that raises a body part
is the act of lowering a body part, such as lowering the ribs when breathing out

depressor - is a muscle that lowers the body part
axis /
is a circular movement around an axis such as the shoulder joint.

axis - is an imaginary line that runs lengthwise through the center of the body
Circumduction /
rotator muscle /
rotator cuff/
is the circular movement of a limb at the far end. swinging motion of the far end of the ar.

rotator muscle -turns a body part on its axis.

rotator cuff -is the group of muscles and their tendons that hold the head of the humerus securely in place as it rotates within the shoulder joint.
Dorsiflexion /
Plantar Flexion/

Dorsiflexon -is the movement that bends the foot upwards at the ankle

Plantar Flexion- is the movement that bends the foot downwards at the ankle

Plantar- is the foot


orgin -is a less moveable attachment located nearest to the midline

insertion -is the more moveable attachment located farthest from the midline
pectoralis major /
pectoralis major -is a thick, fan-shaped muscle situated on the anterior chest wall.

lateraltis- means towards the side
medialis- means toward the midlin
1.means slanted or at an angle

2.straight alignment with the vertical axis of the body. a ring-like muscle that tightly constricts the opening of a passageway.

4. means in a crosswise direction.




means two, is formed by two divisons

bi- /means two / -ceps/ mean head

means formed from three division

tri-/ means three / -ceps/ means head
gluteus maximus largest muscle of the buttocks
hamstring group

located at the back of the upper leg, consists of three spearate muscles: biceps, femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

the primary functions of the hamstrings are knee flexion and hip extension
exercise physiologist is a specialist who works under the supervision of a physician to develop and coordinate exercise program
neurologist is a physician who specilizes in treating the causes of paralysis and similar muscular disorders
physiatist is a physician who specializws in physical medicine and rehabilitation with focus on restoring function.
rheumatologist is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and disorders such osteoporosis.
sports medicine physician specializes in treating sports-related injuries of the bones,joint and muscles.
Fasciitis which is also spelled fascitis, which is an inflimmation of a fascia

fasci /means fascia
-itis / means inflammation
fibromyalgia syndrome

is a debilitating chronic conditon characterized by fatigueand or specific muscle, joint or bone pain

fibr /o means fibrous connective tissue
my / means muscle
-algia / means pain


is pain in a tendon ; also known as tenalgia


also known as
tendonitis, tenonitis,tenontitis

is an inflammation of tendons caused by excessive or unusual use of the joint
debilitating means a condition causing weakness
Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disorder of unknown cause that affects many body systems.

Abbreviation : CFS

is a band of fibrous tissue that holds structures together abnormally. adhesions can form in muscles,internal organs as the result of an injury
Atrophy means weaknes or wearing away of body tissues and structures. Atrophy of a muscle can be caused by pathology or by disuse over a long period of time

my /algia
is tenderness or pain in the muscle; also known as myodynia

is the herniation of muscle substance through a tear in the fascia surrounding it

my/o - means muscle
-cele - means hernia

is the degeneration of muscle tissue

my/o / means muscle
-lysis / means destruction or breaking down in disease


is the rupture of tearing of a muscle

my/o / means muscle
-rrhexis / means rupture


is abnormal softening of muscle tissue

my/o / means muscle
-malacia / means abnormal softening

is a muscle disease characterized by the simultaneous inflammation and weakening of voluntary muscles in many parts of the body

poly- / means many
myos / means muscle
-itis / means inflammation

is the loss of muscle mass, strength and function that comes with aging.

sarc/o / means flesh
-penia / means deficiency

means lacking normal muscle tone

a- / means without
ton/ means tone
-ic / means pertaining to


is a condition of abnormal muscle tone that causes the impairment of voluntary muscle movement

dys- / means bad
ton/ means tone
-ia/ mean condition

is a condition of excessive ton of the dkeletal muscles

hyper-/ means excessive
ton/ means tone
-ia/ means condition

is a condition in which there is diminished tone of the skeletal muscles

hypo / means deficient
ton/ means tone
-ia/ means condition


is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by the slow relaxation of the muscles after a voluntary contraction

my/o / means muscle
ton/ means tone
-ia / means condition

is the inability to coordinate muscle activity during voluntary movement. these movement are often shaky and unsteady

a- / means without
tax / means coordination
-ia / means condition

also known as partial ataxia ; is a mild form of ataxia ;

dys- / means bad
tax/ means coordination
-ia / means condition
my,myo, muscul Muscle
fasci, fascia sheath; fibrous connective tissue that covers, supports, and separates muscles.
fibr means fiber
kines, kinesi means movement
-plegia paralysis
ton means tone
tax coordination
tri means three
duct means lead
-ion means action
tens means stretch out
flex means bend
ceps means head
bi means two
lysis means breakdown, destroy
poly means many
sarc means flesh
brady slow
-asthenia means weekness
condyl means condyle
-paresis means partial or incomplete paralysis or weekness
hemi means half
quadri means four
electr means electricity
neur means nerve
-dynia means pain
carpi means wrist bone
clon means violent action
contracture is the permanent tightening of fascia, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or skin. the most common causes of contractures are scarring or lack of use due to immobilizaton or inactivity.
Intermittent claudication is pain in the leg muscles that occurs during exercise and is relieved by rest. This condition which is due to poor circulation.

Intermittent - means coming and going
claudication - means limping

spasm is a sudden, violent, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles.
cramp is a localized muscles spasm named for its cause, such as a heat cramp or writer's cramp.

is extreme slowness in movement
( one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease)

brady- / means slow
kines / means movement
-ia / means condition

is the distortion or impairment of voluntary movement such as in a tic or spasm. A tic is a spasmodic muscular contration that often involves parts of the face.

dys-/ means bad
kines / means movement
-ia / means condition

also known as hyperactivity. is abnormal increased muscle function or activity.

hyper- / means excessive
kines/ means movement
-ia / means condition


is abnormally decreased muscle function or activity

hypo- / means deficient
kines / means movement
-ia / means condition

is the sudden, involuntary jerking of a muscle or group of muscles

my / means muscle
clon / means violent action
-us / means is a singular noun ending

Nocturnal myoclonus is jerking of the limbs that can occur normally as a person is falling asleep

Nocturnal means pertaining to night.
Singultus is myoclonus of the diaphragm that causes the characteristic hiccup sound with a spasm.

Myasthenia gravis

is a chronic autoimmune disease that affect the neuromuscular junction and produces serious weakness of voluntary muscles.

my / means muscles
-asthenia / means weakness or lack of strength
shin splint
hamstring injury
Achilles tendinitis
Sprain - is an injury to a joint, such as snkle, knee or wrist
Strain- is an injury to the body of the muscle or to the attachment of a tendon. overuse injuries
Shin splint -is a painful condition caused by the muscle tearing away from the tibia (shin bone) usually caused by repeated stress to the lower leg.
hamstring injury - can be a strain or tear on any of the three hamstring muscles that straighten the hip and bend the knee.
Achilles tendinitis - is a painful inflammation of the Achilles tendon caused by excessive stress being placed on that tendon.
Ganglion Cyst is a harmless fluidfilled swelling that occurs most commonly on the outer surface of the wrist.

is inflammation of the tissues surrounding the elbow

epi- / means on
condyl / means condyl
-itis / means inflammation
Plantar fasciitis

heel spur
Plantar fasciitis - is an inflammation of fascia on the sole of the foot

is a calcium deposit in the plantar fascia near its attachment to calcaneus (heel)
CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome

when tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel are chronically overused and become inflamed and swollen.
EMG electomyography
is a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity within muscle fibers in response to nerve stimulation
FMS Fibromyalgia syndrome

is a debilitating chronic condition characterized by fatigue, diffuse and or specific muscle,joint,or bone pain
hemi hemiplegia

is total paralysis affecting only one side of the body / offten associated with a stroke or brain damage
IS impingement syndrome

occurs when inflamed and swollen tendons are caught in the narrow space between the bones within the shoulder.
IC intermittent claudication

is pain in the leg muscle that occurs during exercise and is relieved by rest
MD muscular dystophy

is progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal muscles that control movement
MG myasthenia gravis
is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the neuromuscular junction and produces serious weakness or lack of strength
PM polymyositis

is a muscle disease characterized by the simultaneous inflammation and weakening of voluntary muscles in many parts of the body.
quad quadriplegia, quadriplegic

Paralysis of all four extremities
RSD repetitive stess disorder

is a variety of muscular conditions that result from repeated motions performed in the course of normal work, daily activities.. frequently repeated motions.
CFS Chronic fatigue syndrome

is a disorder of unknown cause that affects many body systems

is a wakness or slight mescular paralysis

my/o - means muscle
-paresis / means partial or incomplete paralysis


is slight paralysis or weakness affecting one side of the body

hemi / means half
-plegia / means paralysis

is the paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body

is paralysis of all four extremities

quadr/i means four
-plegia means paralysis

also known as cardiac arrest is paralysis of the heart

cardi/o means heart
- plegia means paralysis
Occupational therapy Physical therapy - to prevent disability or to restore functioning through the use of excersie, heat, massage.

Myofascial release - is a specialized soft tissue manipulation technique used to ease the pain of condition

Therapeutic ultrasound - utilizes high-frequency sound waves to treat muscle injuries by generating heat deep within muscle tissue.