Study Chapters 29,30 And 35

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Adaptations for terristrial life seen in all plants are: Sporopollenin
Plants are thought to be most closely related to charophyceans based on: All ofthe above
Megaphylls: Are leaves with branching vascular systems
Bryophyes differ from other land plant groups because: gametophyte generation is dominant
Which of the following plant groups is incorrectly paired with its gametophyte generation? Fern-frond growing from rhizome
Which of the following is most likely the closest relative of the vascular plants? Bryophytes
The evolution of sporopollenin was important to the movement of plants onto land because it: Provided a tough coating for spores
If a plant's life cycle includes both a male and female gametophyte, the sporophyte plant must be: Heterosporous
Xylem and Phloem are found in: Vascular plants
Which of the following functions may secondary compounds serve? All of the above
Alternation of generations may have evolved in land plants when: Zygote underwent mitotic divisions
Which of the following has been proposed by plant biologigists as the deepest branch that establishes the boundary of the plant kingdom? The kingdoms Plantae, Streptophyta, and Viridiplantae
Large stores of organic carbon that help to stabilize atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are found in: Boreal peatlands
Protacheophyte polysporangiophytes are: Silurian fossils
If you could take a time machine back to the Carboniferous period, which of the following scenarios would you most likely encounter? Swampy forests dominated by seedless vascular plants (ferns)
In which of the following groups do sperm no longer have to swim to reach the female gametophyte? Gymnosperms and angiosperms
What provides food for a developing sporophyte embryo in a gymnosperm seed? Female gametophyte tissue
Which of the following is the corret path that a pollen tube takes to reach the female gametophyte in an angiosperm? Stigma, style, ovary, ovule, embryo sac
How many generations are represented in a pine seed? 3: seed coat from parent sporophyte, food supply from gametophyte, and sporophyte embryo
Gymnosperms rose to dominance during which of the following periods? Permian
If the angiosperm gametophyte generation has been reduced to so few cells, why hasn't it been eliminated from the life cycle? The gametophyte generation produces both the protective seed coat and nourishment for developing embryo
Which of the following is a key difference between seedless vascular plants and plants with seeds? The spore is the agent of dispersal in the first, whereas the seed functions in dispersal in the second.
An example of co-evolution is: A flower with nectar guides that direct bees to its nectaries
Where would you find a microsporangium in the life cycle of a pine? At the base of the sporophyll in a pollen cone.
Which of these plants is believed to be the only survivor of the oldest branch of the angiosperm lineage? The small shrub Amborella
All photoautotrophic, multicellular eukaryotes are ____ algae
________ plants produce male and female gametophytes Heterosporous
The gametophyte generation is most reduced in the _______ angiosperms
The Ginkgo, cycads, and conifers are _______. gymnosperms
A ________ produces spores, no matter what group it's found in sporangium
A ______ consists of an embryo, nutritive material, and a protective coat seed
_______ are wide, specialized cells arranged end to end for water transport and are found in angiosperms Vessel elements
A _____ consists of a filament and anther in which pollen is produced stamen
The female gametophyte in ________ consists of haploid cells in which a few archegonia develop gymnosperms
The male gametophyte in _______ is contained within a pollen grain. angiosperms
supporting cells with thickened secondary walls schlerenchyma
supporting cells with thickened primary walls collenchyma
tapered xylem cells with lignin in cell walls tracheids
bundles of long-schlerenchyma cells fibers
cambium cells that produce secondary xylem and phloem fusiform initials
layer from which lateral roots originate pericycle
parenchyma cells with chloroplasts in leaves mesophyll
protective coat made of cork and cork cambium periderm
cell layer in root regulating movement into stele endodermis
parenchyma cells inside vascular ring in dicot stem pith
Which of the following is incorrect? Monocots typically have: A taproot
Which of the following is incorrectly paired w/ its function? Procambium--meristematic tissue
Axillary buds: Form at nodes
A leaf trace is: A branch from a vascular bundle that extends into a leaf
ground meristem: produces the ground tissue system
the zone of cell elongation: is responsible for pushing a root through the soil
which ofthe following is incorrectly paired with its type of life cycle? wheat--biennial
secondary xylem and phloem are produced in a root by the: vascular cambium
bark consists of: all of the above
sieve-tube members: are transport cells
which of the following cells are dead at functional maturity? all of the above
clonal analysis of cells of the shoot apex indicates that: a cell's developmental fate is more influenced by position effects
in what direction does a plant cell enlarge? perpendicular to the orientation to cellulose
what do organ identity genes code for? transcription factors
What is a usual sign of the change of the apical meristem from the juvinile to the mature phase? a change in the morphology of leaves
which o fthe following is essential to establishing the axial polarity of a plant? the assymetric 1st division of a zygote