EKG Rhythms

Rhythms for E KG 12 Le

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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The PR intercals or conducted beats are equal, but some P's are blocked.
2 Degree AV Block (Mobitz II)
P-Wave strikes AV during refractory period, and is not conducted.
Non-Conducted PAC
Widening and distortion of QRS. Normal P wave, PR may be shortened.
Fusion Beat
QRS > or equal to .12 Leads V1, or V2, or V3 RSR (slur) Lead 1 (biphasic with term. S-wave)
QRS < or equal to .12 RSR Lead V4 or V5 or V6 (slur) Lead 1 (all upright with slur).
Rhythm- Regular Ratio P: QRS is 1:1 Rate 60-100 bpm PR .12-.20 QRS < .10
Normal Sinus Rhythm
Rate less than 60 BPM
Sinus Bradycardia
PR Interval greater than .20
1 Degree AV BLock
No P-waves Quivering baseline, Irregularly-irregular rhythm QRS Normal
Atrial Fibrillation
Inverted or sometimes absent P waves Rate 40-60
Junctional Rhythm
Spontaneous beats which occur earlier in the cycle than expected.
Premature Beats (PAC, PVC, PJC).
Spontaneous beats after long pauses.
Escape beats
Rhythm may be irregular, QRS is greater than .12, QRS wide and bizzare. Rate is 150-250.
V Tach
Random electrical discharge of ventricles.
V Fib
20-40 bpm QRS wide-bizzar.
Idioventricular Rhythm