World History: Chapter 30

Multiple choice questions from online

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The ideas of the Enlightenment challenged the long-term assumptions about sovereignty and instead proposed that...
Governments are bound to the will of the people
Which of the following could be considered an expression of enlightened dieas about government?- The Stamp Act of 1708- The Quartering Act- The Declaration of Independence- The Committee of Public Safety- The Congress of Vienna
The Declaration of Independence
The American colonists won their bid for independence primarily because...
The French and the Dutch decided to support them against the British
Embedded in the American Constitution is the principle of...
Popular sovereignty
Which of the following was not one of the causes of the French Revolution of 1789?- a staggering national debt- accusation of treason against Louis XVI- resentment at the privileges of the aristocracy- the extravagence of Marie Antoinette and the court at Versailles- the opportunity presented by the summoning of the Estate's General
- accusation of treason against Louis XVI
Which of the following was not one of the provisions of the new French constitution of 1791?- France became a constitutional monarchy- Church property was confiscated and clergy lost their privileged status- Peasants were freed from the dues and services owed to their landlords- All adult males were given the right to vote in national elections- An elective, legislative body, the Convention, was established
- All adult males were given the right to vote in national elections
Under the rule of the Convention, French women...
Gained important property rights and the right to a divorce
Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as...
A military hero
In general, Napoleon championed...
Equality under the law, but not political freedom
Which of the following is not a correct explanation of why the Haitian Revolution succeeded?- Five hundred gens de couleur were veterans of the American Revolution- The large maroon population supported the revolution- Toussaint Louverture was an effective strategist- The revolutionaries had the support of British and Spanish forces- The French army was struck down with yellow fever
The revolutionaries had the support of British and Spanish forces
In leading the revolutions of South America, Simon Bolivar advocated...
Popular sovereignty
Revolutions in Latin America were frequently a power struggle between what two groups?
- peninsularies and crioles
Which Latin American state gained independence as a monarchy?
A political conservative in the nineteenth century would be likely to advocate... (4)
- the restoration of the French monarchy- limiting suffrage to men of property- censorship as a reasonable means of preventing social unrest- government support of the established church
A political liberal in the nineteenth century would be likely to advocate...
Written constitutions and representative government