Word Roots, Prefixes, Suffixes, and Combining Forms

It is an identification guide to let you break down words and understand their roots. If you are ever given a disease and you have no idea what it is, break the words of the disease down into its roots and you will be able to say what the disease is and where it causes the problems. :)

431 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A-, an-
Absence or lack eg. acardia: lack of a heart eg. anaerobic: in the absence of oxygen
Departing from/away from eg. abnormal: departing from normal
Hearing eg. acoustics: the science of sound
Ac-, acro-
Extreme or extremity; peak eg. acrodermatitis: inflammation of the skin of the extremities
To or toward eg. adorbital: toward the orbit
Aden-, adeno-
Gland eg. adeniform: resembling a gland in shape
Toward the kidney eg. adrenal gland: adjacent to the kidney
Air eg. aerobic respiration: oxygen-requiring metabolism
Toward eg. afferent neurons: which carry impulses to central nervous system
Contest eg. agonistic and antagonistic muscles: oppose each other
White eg. corpus albicans of the ovary: a white scar tissue
Nourish eg. alimentary canal, or digestive track
Of one another eg. alleles: alternative expression of a gene
On both sides; of both kinds eg. amphibian: an organism capable of living in water and on land
Apart, up, again eg. anaphase of mitosis: when the chromosomes separate