Women's Studies Exam 2

Flashcards for exam 2

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Luteinizing hormone suppresses growth in all follicles except one; this follicle then releases the ovum, or egg, on approximately the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual pain; painful cramps in the abdomen. Also includes headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and pain in the lower back. NOT the same as PMS. Highly anxious women report having more menstrual pain than less anxious women. (causal arrow unknown)
Substances that the body produces in high concentrations just before menstruation, and they can cause severe cramps.
Name given to a variety of symptoms that occur before menstruating. Symptoms: headaches, breast soreness, swelling, nausea, sensitivity to pain, acne, psychological reactions (depression, irritability, etc.)
Why is PMS controversial?
1. Researchers don't agree on its operational definition. 2. Some claim that ALL women experience it--unfair because it puts women at the mercy of their "raging hormones."
Two Factors that Cause Premenstrual Problems
1. Psychological factors, such as anxiety and strong endorsement of traditionally feminine gender roles. 2 . Cultural factors, such as our culture's belief that PMS is a well-established fact.
Which cultures have a taboo against menstruating women?
Creek Indians in Oklahoma (don't touch them!), European Americans, North Americans (euphemisms)
Individual's self-rating of personal characteristics along with biological, psychological, or social dimensions. Four components considered: body image, feminist identity, ethnic identity, and self-esteem.
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder-: 3-9% of women experience severe PMS. Listed in DSM-IV as "depressive disorder not otherwise specified." Does it exist? Some researchers determine it is a distinct clinical entity; others say there is no evidence. They say the same symptoms in men would be normal, but in women they are viewed as a mental disorder. It stigmatizes women as mentally ill and covers up the real reason for their anguish. Undermines women's self-concepts and feeds into the stereotypes about women. :(
Study: Name some things that make you feel bad about yourselves.
38% of eighth-grade girls reported dissatisfaction with their bodies, compared to only 15% of boys. Young women's self-concepts are often shaped by whether they believe they are attractive.
A belief system in which women's experiences and ideals are valued. Feminists argue that women and men should be socially, economically, and legally equal.
Feminist social identity
People are likely to say that they support feminist ideas but they are unlikely to claim a feminist social identity and say "yes, I am a feminist."
Ego development
A kind of psychological growth in which people develop a more complex view of themselves and of their relationships with people. People who support feminist beliefs are more advanced in ego development.
Ethnic Identity
People's sense that they belong to an ethnic group, as well as their attitudes and behaviors toward that group. Females and males don't differ in the strength of their ethnic identity. White-as-normative concept.
A measure of how much you like and value yourself. Gender differences? It depends. Meta-analysis concludes that the average male scores are slightly higher in self-esteem than the average female scores. Differences are largest around late adolescence. Males and females are about the same during childhood, early adolescence, and later adulthood. Gender differences are large for European Americans but about the same for Blacks. (Black females are higher in self-esteem than females from other ethnic groups). Gender differences are large among lower-class and middle-class participants.