Weathering and Soil and Water Systems Vocab

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95 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The short-term state of the atmosphere including temp, humity, precipiation, wind, and visability
Mechanical weathering
Weathering is the breakdown of rock into smaller pices by physical means
Grinding and wearing awayof rock surfaces through the mechnical action of rock or sand particles
Frost action
Alternate freezing and thawing of soil and rock ex, ice wedging
Ice wedging
When water steos into cracks during wam weathering and then temps drop and the water freeezes and causes the rock to widen
Root pry
Growing of root of plats causing rocks to spread apart
Chemical weathering
Process by which rocksbreak down as a result of chemical reactions
Acid precipatation
Rain sleeet snow that contains a high concentration of acid
Chemical reaction in which an element (iron) combines with oxygen to form rust
Differentail weathering
Softer, less weatheriing resistant rocks wear away and leave harder more wathered rocks behind
Average weathr condititons in an area over a long peroid of time
A loose mixture of rock fragment orgnic material air water that can support growth of life
Parent rock
Rock formation hat is the sorce of soil
The layer of rock beneath the soil
Abotility fr water to move through soil