Vocabulary for Achievement-9th Grade-Lesson 1

Vocabulary ca rds for

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coinage (noun)
1. inventing a new word such as "blogging" to "google" someone Extensive computer use, has resulted in the coinage of many new words. 2. Also means making metal coins Over the years, coinage of American money has pretty much remained the same.
Colloquial (adjective)
1. The use of informal language, It is more conversational the formal "What's up" is a colloquial expression that wouldn't be used when meeting someone for the first time.
diminutive (noun/adjective) diminutive
1. A suffix that indicates small "ette" 2. A nickname of affection 3. Extremely small
Metonymy (noun)
1. When a word is substituted with another word with a different but very closely associated meaning. Do you suppose you could lend a hand when we move the piano to the opposite side of the stage. Meaning help out
Oxymoron (noun/adjective
1. an expression that has contradictory terms Now we are really in a fine mess.