Vocab Workshop Level G. Ch:11 Willians Honors English 10

Vocabulary Sadlier-oxford Chapter 11 Mr. Williams Honors English blahh  i know this is not complete sentences but oh well! Level G 

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Abrogate (ab' ro gate)
V. To repeal, cancel, declare null and void.
Ambient (am' bi ent)
Adj. completely surrounding, encompassing.
Asperity (a sper' i ty)
N. roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness.
Burnish (bur' nish)
V. to make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish. n. gloss, brightness, luster.
Cabal (ca bal')
N. a small group working in secret.
Delectable (di lec' ta ble)
Adj. delightful, highly enjoyable; deliciously flavored' savory. n. an appealing or appetizing food or dish.
Deprecate (dep' re kate)
V. to express mild disapproval; to belittle
Detritus (de trit' us)
N. loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction.
Ebullient (e bull' ient)
Adj. overflowing with enthusiasm and excitment; boiling, bubbling.
Eclectic (e clec' tic)
Adj. drawn from different sources. n. one who beliefs are drawn from various sources.
Flaccid (flacc' id)
Adj. limp, not firm; lacking vigor or effectiveness.
Impecunious (im pe cu' ni ous)
Adj. having little or no money.
Inexorable (in ex' or a ble)
Adj. inflexible' beyond influence; relentless, unyielding.
Moibund (mor' i bund)
Adj. dying, on the way out.
Necromancer (nec' ro man cer)
N. one who claims to reveal or influence the future through magic, especially communication with the dead; in general' a magician or wizard.