Verbal Messages- Chapter 5


24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Nonverbal communication is often used to emphasize some part of the verbal message. ex. raising your voice to underscore a particular word, bang your fist in the desk, or look into someone's eyes when saying "I love you"
Nonverbal communication may be used to add nuances of meaning not communicated by your verbal message.ex. smiling when telling a story, or frowning when deceived
You may deliberately __ your verbal messages with your nonverbal movements.ex. crossing your fingers or winking indicating that you are lying
Nonverbal movements may be used to indicate your desire to manipulate the flow of verbal messages.ex.pursing your lips, lean forward, or make hand movements to indicate that you want to speak.
You can restate the verbal message nonverbally.ex. following your verbal "is that all right?" with raised eyebrow and questioning look
You may also use nonverbal communication to take the place for verbal messages.ex. signaling OK with a hand gesture, or nodding head to indicate a Yes
Six major ways verbal and nonverbal messages interact
Accent, complement, contradict, control, repeat and substitute
Messages vary in politeness
One of the best ways to look at consideration/ respect is in terms of both positive and negative face.
Positive face
Wishing to be viewed positively by others, to be thought of favorably.ex. to help maintain speak respectfully, you say "excuse me" when appropriate
Negative face
Each of us desires to be autonomous, to have the right to do as we wishex. to help maintain a persons ___ you request rather than demand. "Would you mind opening the window?" rather than "Open the damn window"
Politeness and Directness
-is seen as less polite and may infringe on a persons need to maintain negative face- face threatening acts.- indirectness is seen as polite but in some cultures may be seen as a sign of weakness or underhanded
Influences on Politeness
- culture- personality-professional training-type of relationship- context of communication
Politeness in Inclusion vs. Exclusion
Messages that include all people present and acknowledge the relevance of others and are normally considered polite VS. messages that shut out a specific people or entire cultural groups and are normally considered impolite
Politeness on net
- familiarize yourself with the site before contributing- be brief- don't shout-don't spam or flame- avoid offensive language
Messages vary in Assertiveness
A willingness to stand up for your rights but with respect for the rights of others.-Analyze Assertive Communication-Rehearse Assertive Communication-Communicate Assertively