Identify Names of Famous People Involved in American Revolution Flashcards

Test february 17- us history, mr.kincannon

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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British monarch who thought the colonies existed for the benefit of the mother country.
King George III
Indian chief who tried to drive white settlers out of the Ohio region.
Chief Pontiac
Prime minister of Great Britian enforced Navigation Acts, Proclomation of 1763, and the Stamp Act.
George Grenville
Colonial leader who helped orginize the Sons of Liberty, the Boston Tea Party, and the Committees of Correspondence.
Samuel Adams
British Prime Minister who had Parliament enact laws that taxed lead, painter's colors, glass, paper, and tea.
Charles Townshend
Former slave who was one of the five men killed at the Boston Massacre.
Crispus Attucks
Govenor of Massachusetts following the passage of the Intolerable Acts; commander of British troops at Lex&Con.
Thomas Gage
Member of the Virginia House of Burgesses who said,"Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Patrick Henry
Patriot leader who, along with Sam Adams, escaped capture by British at Lexington.
John Hancock
American hero who warned the minutemen that the British were marching out of Boston towards Lex&Con.
Paul Revere
Author of the pamphlet "Common Sense" which changed the minds of many people in favor of separation from Great Britian.
Thomas Paine
Leader of the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont who, along with Benedict Arnold, captured Fort Ticonderoga.
Ethan Allen
Commander of British forces at Bunker Hill who succeeded General Thomas Gage as British commander-in -chief.
William Howe
Person who put,"...these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states." in the Declaration.
Thomas Jefferson
Young hero who just before being hung said,"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
Nathan Hale