U.S Constitution Test

I have my U.S Constittion test coming up next week, and needed a litle help. So...here's some help for you too!

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
In what city did the Constitutional onvention take place?
Who was the president of the constitutional convention?
George Washington
In what building did the convention take place?
Independence Hall
Who is considered the father of the Constitution?
James Madison
What was the only state that did not attend the convention?
Rhode Island
Which plan is based on population?
The New Jersey Plan
Which plan is based on equality for the states?
The Virginia Plan
How many amendments have been added to the constitution?
How many members are in the House of Representatives?
How many Senators are there today?
How old must you be to be a representative?
25 and up
How old must you be to be a senator?
30 and up
How old must you be to be the President?
35 and up
To be president you must be a ______ _______ citizen.
Natural born
To be a represenatative you must have lived in America for ___ years.