The Urinary System

Chapter 25, the urinary system study guide

201 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the main function of the urinary system?
To maintain the homeostasis of the internal fluid environment within normal limits
What are 4 specific functions of the urinary system?
1) Filters blood plasma 2) Regulates blood volume and pressure 3) Regulates osmolarity of body fluids 4) Controls BP and electrolyte balance
What are 4 more specific functions of the urinary system?
5) Controls RBC count and oxygen carrying capacity 6) reg. pCO2 and acid-base balance of body fluids 7) controls calcium homeostasis 8) Gluconegensis
What eliminates wastes and reabsorbs useful chemicals?
When blood plasma is filtered
What eliminates or conserves water?
When BP and blood volume is regulated
What eliminates or conserves electrolytes?
Regulation of osmolarity of body fluids
What produces the enzyme renin (as an endocrine function)?
Control of BP and electrolyte balance
What produces the hormone erythropoietin ( an endocrine function)?
RBC cell count and oxygen-carrying capacity
What function is assisted by the lungs?
Regulation of Pco2 and acid-base balance of body fluids
What synthesizes calcitrol (an active form of VIT D)?
The control of calcium homeostasis
What supplies 1/ 5 as much glucose as the liver during starvation?
What is the network of parallel capillaries specialized in filtration in the kidneys?
The capillary bed, or golmeruus, in the renal corpuscle
What is the smaller diameter arteriole that leaves the renal corpuscle?
The efferent arteriole
What is the result of the efferent arteriole?
Causes high BP in the glomerulus
What are the low pressure, pourous capillaries from efferent arterioles around proximal and distal convuluted tubules of cortical nephrons readily absorbing solute and water?
Peritubular capillaries