Urinary Elimination

Urinary Elimination

40 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Orifice (opening) of the urethra.
Process of emptying bladder; urination; voiding.
Urinary retention
Inablility to void although urins is produced by the kidneys and enters the bladder; excessive storage of urine in the bladder.
Blood in the urine.
Urinary diversion
Surgical creation of an alternate route for excretion of urine.
Specific gravity
A characteristic of urine that can be determined with manufactured plastic strips or an instrument called a urnometer or hydrometer.
Kegel exercises
Repetitious contraction and relaxation of the pubococcygleal muscle to improve vaginal tone and urinary continence.
Dealy or difficulty in initiating voiding.
Post-void risidual; urine in the bladder immediately after voiding.
Suprapubic catheter
Catheter inserted into bladder through small abdominal incision above pubic area.
Condom catheter
Tube for draining urine; applied externally to the penis and connecting to a collection bag.
Ileal conduit
Urinary diversio in which the ureters are connected to the ileujm with a stoma created on the abdominal wall.
Scanty or greatly diminished amount of urine voided in given time; 24-hour urine output is 1000 to 400 mL.
Technically, no urine voided; 24 -hour urine output is less than 1000 mL.
Excessive urination during the night.