United States History Test 9 Chapter 23

To help me study for my upcoming exam in history. 

62 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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No man did more to revolutionize transportation in America than this person.
Henry Ford
Air travel was born in the early 20th century when this man and this other man made the first succesful powered flight. 
Wilbur and Orville Wright
In 1896, this Italian scientist devised a wireless telegraph system, and Americans were soon putting the principles of wireless telegraphy to good use. 
Guglielmo Marconi
At age 42, this man was the youngest man ever to become President. He was also the most popular president of the early 1900's.
Theadore Roosevelt
One of the early progressive leaders was this man of Wisconsin who as governor and then as a U.S. senator earned the nickname "Battling Bob" because of his tireless fight for what he considered to be good government.
Robert M. La Follete
In 1092, McClure's Magazine began to publish a series of articles entitled "History of the Standard Oil Company," by this person. 
Ida M. Tarbell
In 1906, this person published a novel entitled The Jungle, which portrayed conditions in Chicago's large meatpacking houses. 
Upton Sinclair 
His chief forester, this man, published conservation articles in National Geographic and other magazines.
Gifford Pinchot
This man, a medical doctor who had helped to eliminate the mosquitoes which caused yellow fever in Cuba, was appointed chief sanitary officer in the Canal Zone. 
Colonel William S. Gorgas
Construction ran more efficiently after 1907, when President Roosevelt appointed this man, an army engineer, to take charge of the project.
Colonel George Washington Goethals 
One of the most famous survivors of the Boxer Rebellion was this man, a missionary from Canada. 
Jonathan Goforth
After serving nearly two complete terms as President, Theodore Roosevelt decided not to seek reelection in 1908. Instead, he supported his close friend, this man who is known as the Secretary of  War. 
William Howard Taft
They chose as their Presidential nominee the progressive governor of New Jersey who was this man. The Democratic party adopted a platform somewhat less progressive in nature than the Bull Moose platform. 
Thomas Woodrow Wilson
A few weeks before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration, a revolutionary group murdured Madero and established a new government headed by this person.
Victoriano Huerta
While the United States officially remained neutral, President Wilson allowed arms and munitions to be shipped to to Huerta's rivals, this man and this other man. 
Venustiano Carranza and Francisco ("Pancho") Villa