Unit 2 Solar System and Universe Flashcards

Can you tell us the names of the Solar System and Universe? In this Flashcard puzzle are hidden names of the Solar System and Universe. Your challenge is to answer them one after one. So, if you think you can do it, get started. 

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Solar System
A solar System is made up of a star and the planets and other space objects that revolve around it.
A planet is a large, round body that revolves around a star.
Earth is the third planet from the sun. It has an atmosphere made of mostly nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. Earth is the only planet known to have abundant liquid water, which helps to keep Earth at temperatures that allow life.
Mars is known as the red planet because of it's rocky red surface. Giant sand storms covers it's surface making huge sand dunes. Like other planets it has many volcanos.
A comet is a chunk of frozen gases, rock, ice and dust.
The Universe is everything that exsists.
A galaxy is a group of billions of stars.
Stars are huge balls of hot glowing gases that produce their own heat. They are formed when gravity pulls gas and dust particles together, eventually the energy form is enough for heat and light.
Astronomy is the study of objects in space and their characteristics.
Spiral Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy are young stars moving in a disk shape.