Unit 10 Post-Assessment

Unit 10 Post-Assessment

19 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Economic questions that must be answered to give people the products they want
How should the goods be produced?
What goods should be produced?
For whom will the goods be produced?
By specializing in one kind of product or service, a business (specialization)
Increase worker efficiency and productivity.
When does scarcity occur?
When citizens have a shortage of resources
What is the term for the exchange of money for the purchase of goods and services?
A trade-off
Opportunity Cost
The next best choice. Also, the option you gave up. If you buy a cd and can't afford the stereo for example, the stereo is your opportunity cost.
Fixed Costs
Costs that don't change. Always stay the same. Ex: Mortgage payments.
Division of labor improves productivity by
Breaking jobs down into separate tasks.
Factors of Production
The resources necessary to produce goods and services
Features of Capitalism
Private property rights, competition, consumer sovereignty.
Right to choose for consumers
The right to shop where they please
The consumer sector
Is only affected by the product market according to the circular flow of activity.
Entrepreneurs affect the economy by
Starting new businesses and introducing new products.
For a business owner, an acceptable trade-off might include
Paying higher wages and receiving higher worker productivity.
Investing in human capital
Likely to result in higher-quality products and increased profits
Scarcity of Goods
There will always be wants not fullfilled