Transport of Substance in Plants and Animals Biology 1

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1. what is the difference between pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from right ventricle of the heart to the lungs where as the pulmonary carries oxygenated blood from lungs to left auricle of the heart
1. what is the function of white blood cells?
They destroy the disease causing germs and hence protect our body from various infections
1. what do you mean by capillary ?
it is the network of the blood vessels in our body .it forms connection between arteries and veins
1. what is pulse rate ?
it is the average heart beat per minute
1. define excretion?
The process of elimination of metabolic waste products is called excretion
1. what do you mean excretory system?
The organ system responsible for the eliminating waste is called excretory system
1. what are nephrons?
The large number of coiled tubes present in the kidney is called nephrons . it helps in filtering waste products from the blood
1. what is dialysis?
The technique of removing waste products from the blood artifically is called dialysis .
1. why does plant need to conduct water?
Plants needs to conduct water because it helps plant to manufacture their own food .
1. What is transpiration?
It is the loss of excess water from aerial parts of plant through stomata
1. what is direction of transport in xylem and phloem ?
in xylem the direction of transport is unidirectional where as phloem transport the food material throughout the plant body . So it transport in many directional ways
1. what do you mean by vascular bundle ?
the xylem and phloem tissues that help in transport of substances in plants are called vascular bundle. Xylem transport water and minerals from root to leaves and phloem transport food(glucose) from leaves to other parts of the plant.
1. what will happen if there is no W.B.C’S?
if there is no W.B.C’S the person would always fall sick as it protects the person against various infection
1. why is blood needed by all parts of a living animal body?
It is because it is the medium through which various nutrients important gases and waste products are transported inside our body .
1. state the function of heart?
The function of heart is to collect impure blood from all parts of the body in the right auricle and pump it to the lungs for purification through pulmonary artery and also send pure blood which returns to the heart through pulmonary vein to all parts of the body.