Topic 8: Energy, Power and Climate Change


45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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State that thermal energy may be completely converted to work in a single process, but that continuous conversion of this energy into work requires a cyclical process and the transfer of some energy from the system.
Thermal energy may be completely converted to work in a single process, but that continuous conversion of this energy into work requires a cyclical process (thermodynamic cycle) and the transfer of some energy from the system (degraded energy).
Explain what is meant by degraded energy.
Useless energy is that is transfered from a system
Coal fired power station energy flow diagram
Answer 3
Outline the principal mechanisms involved in the production of electrical power.
(thermal, gravitational potential or wind) converting some kind of energy to kinetic energy, used to rotate a turbine. this turbine rotates the shaft of a generator to make electricity.Nuclear power stations - nuclear - chemical - kineticknow transformationsGravitational potential --> kinetic --> electric
Construct and analyse energy flow diagrams (Sankey diagrams) and identify where the energy is degraded.
The forward arrow is the useful energy, the spliting arrows are the degraded energy, The thickness of the arrows are proportional to the scale of the energy transformation
Coal fired power station skanky diagram
Answer 6
Pic 9, 47, 3, 40
Identify the different world energy sources
Fossil fuels - peat, coal, crude oil, oil shale, oil tar, natural gasnuclear energy, Geothermal, tidal, chemical energySun - primary source of world energy, directly or indirectly, due to radiant energy --> wind, ocean currents, wave action, water evaporation, precipitation, food, wood, biomass, fossil fuels (aka alternative energy source)Moon - tidesChemical energy - battery, fuel cellsNuclear energy - nuclear fission/fussion(only some) reactors
Outline and distinguish between renewable and non renewable energy sources
Renewable - a source of energy that could not be depleted with use, replenishes faster than you use itnon-renewable - a source of energy that could be depleted someday with use, using more of it faster than it is replenished
Coal - peat, sub-bituminous, bituminous, anthracite
Coal (water, carbon, volatile)
Oil shade and Oil Tar 2%
Oil shade - kerogen found in Marl, expensiveoil tar - bitumen pyrolysed...
Define energy density of a fuel
Amount of potential energy stored in a fuel per unit mass or per unit volume, chemical potential energy/mass, measured in J g-1
Energy density of fuels table
Discuss how choice of fuel is influenced by its energy density
- cost for production of electricity per kwh- energy density- political, social, econ issues- use and storage of the fuel (natural gas)- heating capability, rank (peat-anthracite)
State the relative proportion of world use of hte different energy sources availabe
Graph, oil, natural gass and coal at the top
Outline the historical and geographical widespread use of fossil fuels
Historical - Industrial Revolution- increase in population demands more fuel- inventions that requires fossil fuel use
Geographical - oil in Mid East and South America- lots of oil and coal reserves in every continent