Top 200 Drugs

The first 10 drugs out of the top 200 drugs list

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What is/are the generic name/s for Vicodin, and what is its function?
APAP and Hydrocodone; Pain relief (Schedule 3) drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Prinivil, and what is its function?
Lisinopril; ACE inhibitor drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Zocor, and what is its function?
Simvastatin; Statin drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Synthroid, and what is its function?
Levothyroxine; Hormone replacement drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Amoxil, and what is its function?
Amoxicillin; Antibiotic (Penicillin category) drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Zithromax, and what is its function?
Azithromycin; Macrolide antibiotic drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Microzide, and what is its function?
Hydrochlorothiazide; Thiazide Diuretic drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Norvasc, and what is its function?
Amlodipine; Calcium Channel Blocker drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Xanax, and what is its function?
Alprazolam; Benzodiazepine drug
What is/are the generic name/s for Glucophage, and what is its function?
Metformin; Antidiabetic drug