T&L High School Final

Practice for final exam

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What part of the brain coordinates and orchestrates skilled movement
The last part of the brain to develop fully is the
Frontal lobe
Messages sent by releasing chemicals that jump across synapses involve
The prevailing view regarding the use of learning styles research for identifying ethic groups differences is that such info
Needs to be considered cautiously as it may promote stereotyping
In the cognitive approach to learning; learning
Depends a great deal on individual perception
Alec still remembers how to touch type even though it has been 3 years since he has practiced. the memory system most directly involved here is
One of the educational implications of sensory memory is that
Attention is necessary if children are to remember information
A flashblub goes off into your eyes all you can see for the next few sec are big blue dots what type of memory is most directly involved in this phenomenon
What you are thinking about right now is being held in what type of memory
Items can be stored in working memory for approximately how long
20 sec
Research has shown that the capacity of the working memory is limited to about how many chuncks
When we intentionally try to learn something new we are involving what type of long term memory
Explicit memory
Because memories are organized in propositional networks recall of one bit of info often
Leads to recall of another bit of info
In order to understand the large amounts of info inherent in complex concepts people must develop structures or patterns called
Long term memory for how to do things is called
Procedural memory