Tissue Basics

Tissue basics

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which of the following is a unicellular gland that is typically found in mucosal epithelium?
Goblet cell
What cell is primarily responsible for the production of collagen and the amorphous ground substance in loose connective tissue?
What criteria is used to classify epithelia?
  • Number of cell layers
  • Morphology of the cells comprising the apical layer
  • What connective tissue cells is derived from a B lymphocyte and is reponsible for antibody production?
    Plasma cell
    What describes a secretory process in which no cell membrane components or cytosolic contents are lost?
    Describe adipocytes in normal adults.
    They store lipid primarily in the form of triglyceride
    Each adipocyte has its own plasma membrane
    When present in large numbers, the adipocytes make up adipose tissue
    The nucleus lies in an eccentric position adjacent to the cell membrane
    Describe epithelia.
    The avascular nature of epithelia limits its size
  • Epithelial sheets contain little extracellular material at the lateral surfaces of the individual cells
  • 2 of the criteria for classifying epithelia are cell layer number and morphology of the cells at the free surface
  • The nuclei of columnar cells are positioned nearer to what?
    Underlying connective tissue
    The most common type of exocrine gland is
    Epithelia that consist of more than one layer is termed ___________.
    The matrix of connective tissue is composed of
    Fibers and ground substance
    Small, hair-like structures (that are not extensions of the plasma membrane) on the surface of some epithelial cells are called
    Which of the following heals quickest after an injury?
    Small depressions in which some connective tissue cells reside are known as
    Which suffix implies formation?