Tia's Mock CSMLS - Part 2 Histo

Part 2
histology questions

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 200

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What is the purpose of dehyration? What happens if a specimen is left too long in the dehydrating agent?
To remove only the FREE water; if left too long, bound water gets removed as well and the tissue gets too hard.
What are some examples of dehydrating agents?
Ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, acetone, universal agents
What are some examples of clearing agents?
Xylene, Benzene, Chloroform, natural agents (essential oils, limonene)
What is the approximate melting point of paraffin? What is the temp of the melting bath?
56 - 58 degrees; few degrees higher (SMH used 60)
What are some examples of decalcifying agents?
Nitric acid, formic acid, HCl, EDTA
When would you use an aqueous mounting medium?
Used for fat stains (Oil Red O); impermanent; doesn't harden
List some changes that occur when tissues are not fixed fast enough?
Eosinophilia, cellular swelling, glycogen disappears, microvilli & cilia lost, desquamation, nuclear changes/disintegration, autolysis, putrefaction
What is the difference between an additive fixative & a non-additive fixative? Give examples of each.
Additive: the fixative binds to the protein rendering it insoluble; (FDOG: formalin, dichromates, osmium tetroxide, glutaraldehyde)
Non-additive: the fixative does not bind to the protein! (acetone and alcohols)
What is the difference between a coagulant fixative & a non-coagulant fixative? Give examples of each.
A coagulant fixes the tissue into an OPEN network which allows for easy penetration/subsequent processing; Examples: alcohol, picric acid, chromium, mercuric chloride
A non-coagulant fixes the tissue into a dense gel; Examples FDOG: formalin, dichromates, osmium tetroxide, glutaraldehyde
What % of formaldehyde is present in 100% formalin? What % formalin is used as a "working solution" in the lab?
37% formaldehyde in 100% formalin.
We use a 1:10 (10%) working solution; this would contain 3.7% formaldehyde.
How can paraformaldehyde precipitate formation be removed/reversed? How can it be prevented?
Reverse with heat, or prevent by adding methanol.
How can formalin pigment be removed? What types of tissues would it be seen in?
Remove by adding alcoholic picric acid
Seen in bloody tissues.
What are the 2 steps of formaldehyde fixation? (organic chem!)
Hemiacetal formation & methylene bridge formation
Which fixatives make lipids insoluble?
Potassium dichromate and osmium tetroxide
Why is acetic acid added to some fixatives?
It precipitates nucleic acids to improve nuclear detail