The Body\'s Response to Stress

27 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The subjective experience of a lack of fit between a person and their environment (i.e where the perceieved demands of a situation are greater than a persnon's perceived ability to cope).
SNS activation on the body - eyes
SNS activation on the body - eyes
Increased pupil size lets in more light for better vision
SNS activation on the body - lungs

Bronchial tubes in lungs dialate for greater oxygen intake.
SNS activation on the body - heart
Increase in heart rate allows for greater blood to flow to skeletal muscles
SNS activation on the body - sweat glands
Stimulated to produce more sweat
SNS activation on the body - Glycogen
Glycogen stored in liver is converted to glucose for energy
SNS activation on the body - Adrenal medulla
Stimulated to release adrenaline
Acute Stress - Sympathomedullary pathway
Arouse autonomic nervous system(ANS)
Divided into sympathetic branch (sympathetic nervous system or SNS) and parasympathetic branch.
Arouses the animal fro fight or flight
Parasympathetic branch
Parasympathetic branch
Returns the animal to a state to relaxation
Exposed to acute stressor
SNS is activated. Key part of this response is the sympathetic adrenal meduallry system(SAM); SNS + SAM=sympathomedullary pathway
 --------> --------> SNS
Noradrenaline the neurotransmitter released by SNS travel to virtually every organ and gland within the body to activate internal body organs to preapare the body for fight or flight.
Alerts animal through release of adrenaline(epinephrine) to bloodstream to prepare body for fight or flight. regulated by SNS and adrenal medulla.
Adrenal medulla
Neurons of SNS travel to medulla, so when activated it releases adrenaline to bloodstream. Once in bloostream it effects the body's physiologicalsystems, e.g. boosting supply of oxygen and glucose to brain and muscles and suppressing non-emergency bodily processes such as digestion.