TEAS Science Test Prep

General science Teas test prep questions

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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He shouted "eureka" running down the street naked, determinedhow to determine the volume and therefore the density of a
With his letters that contained drawings depicting details visible under the high-power microscopes he built himself.
Anton von Leeuwenhoek
When studying the orbit of the planet Mars, he discovered the law that planets move around the sun in ellipses.
He discovered the periodical table of elements, a major breakthrough in the field of chemistry.
He was the Austrian monk who spent years in scientific isolation while he bred pea plants and studied the results, what we now know as heredity
Is called the "father" of medicine.
First observed the moons of Jupiter
The group of people who receive shots but the shots contain no vaccine is called the
Control group.
The search in science for the simplest possible explanation is said to use the principle of
Occam’s razor.
The biggest concepts in science are called
Doing science in a Popperian manner means
Actively seeking experiments that will falsify your hypothesis
Which statement best summarizes the process of truth in science
Truth is tentative but not arbitrary.
When complex mathematical systems are used to make scientific explanations mathematical systems are called ---
In science, reductionism refers to
Explaining behaviors in terms of interacting parts.
The word geometry originally meant
Measuring the land