
Coo coo, this is. oh my god

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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If Jamie has trouble sleeping, he usually gets up and munches on some cookies, pretzels, or dry cereal; and this seems to help him sleep. This sleep-inducing technique
Increases the amount of tryptophan reaching his brain and increases serotonin levels.
Jason's parents reward him with a play break after he has worked on his homework for 20 minutes. After 20 more minutes of study, he receives another play break and so on. Jason is on a _____ schedule of reinforcement.
Fixed interval
Regarding sleep, which of the following statements is FALSE?
Some people can learn very complex tasks while asleep, such as learning a foreign language.
When individuals are provided feedback as to the amount of materials they are recycling on a weekly basis,
They typically recycle more.
In _____ reinforcement, the reinforcer follows every correct response.
Effective strategies for improving memory encoding include
Organizing the information to be retained.
To be conscious means
That one is aware.
Regarding how sleep and eating affect memory, which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
People who are hungry almost always score lower on memory tests.
_____ dramatically increases when there is a death in the family, trouble at work, a marital conflict, or other emotionally-charged events.
REM sleep
_____ refers to summarizing aloud while you are learning