
These cards are about phycology. they are for us crazy people

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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A reinforced response tends to be made again when similar antecedents are present. This is referred to as
Operant stimulus generalization
Microsleep would most likely occur
During sleep deprivation.
After spending some time in Stage 4, the sleeper
Returns to Stage 3, then Stage 2, then Stage 1.
Many natural _____ reinforcers activate the same pleasure pathways in the brain that make ICS so powerful
Most people experience excessive daytime sleepiness, or _____, after even a few hours of sleep loss.
The meaning given to altered states of consciousness in other cultures include being seen as
All of these.
Stimuli that precede reinforced and nonreinforced responses are known as
Discriminative stimuli.
In the film clip depicting a man with brain injury attempting to remember the names of three persons, the man
Was never able to remember the three names
You are taking a fill-in-the-blank history test and trying to remember the names of important people and places. Good recall strategies would include which of the following?
All of these would be good recall strategies.
A child calls his dog “Spot” but does not call other dogs this name even if they look like his dog. The child is demonstrating
Operant stimulus discrimination.