Define Sympathetic V/S Parasympathetic Terms Flashcards

​Start studying and Define Sympathetic V/S Parasympathetic Terms with these quiz-based flashcards quizzes. Anyone who is interested in Sympathetic V/S Parasympathetic Terms can attempt these imaged flashcards quizzes. These flashcard quizzes which are simple and easy to attempt.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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Parasymp, digestive
Dig. enzy. secreted ; peristalsis up ; spincters relaxed
Symp, heart
Increases hr ; force of beat
Symp, glands - lacrimal, salivary
Inhibits --> dry mouth + dry eyes
Symp, light through eye
Increases light
Symp, digest. syst.
Decreases activity
Parasymp, glands - lacrimal, salivary
Parasymp, heart
Decreases heart rate
Parasymp, light through eye
Decreases light
Symp, skin sweat glands
Produce sweat
Symp, cellular metabolism
Rate of cellular metabolism up ; fats breakdown
Parasymp, liver
No effect
Symp, lungs
Dilates bronchioles
Parasymp, cellular metabolism
No effect
Parasymp, skin sweat glands
No effect
Symp, liver
Stimulates release of glucose