Swedish Massage

Principles an d terms

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What is effleurage used for?
Warming the bodily tissues, moving out metabolic waste, and drawing new blood into tissues
What is vibration?
Rapid quivering, shaking, rocking. Enhances relaxation, increases circulation, stimulates muscle spindles
What is tapotement?
Repetitive, staccato, striking movements of the hands. Initially stimulates nerve endings, eventuall relaxing them. Ultrasound.
What is friction?
By rubbing one surface over another, brings blood into tissue, warms tissue
What is petrissage?
Petrissage means to mash or knead. Milks the tissue of toxins, etc.
Who was Johanne Mezger?
He introduced French terminology for massage profession.
What is rhythm?
The repetition or regularity of massage movements
What is continuity?
Uninterruped flow of strokes and to the unbroken transition fron one stroke to the next.
What is pressure?
Application of force applied to the client's body
What is speed?
How rapidly or slowly a massage movement is executed.
What is excursion?
The distance traversed during the length of one stroke.
What is intention?
Consciously sought goal or a desired end.
What is the definition of Swedish massage?
The systematic and scientific manipulation of soft tissues of the body for the purpose of establishing and maintaining good health.
What is stretching?
Single muscle and its synergist being drawn to their fullest length.
What is active assisted movement?
The therapist gently assists the client in moving through range of motion.