Swedish Massage Strokes

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Effleurage Description
It can be a light or deep gliding stroke that contours the body over superficial tissue. It can be used for oil application, warming tissue, transition strokes and general prep for deeper tissue acess. It is generally more broad than specific
Effleurage Variations (3)
Two Handed Draining Forearm
Effleurage Mechanics (6)
Neutral Wrist Body Weight Behind Stroke Dont hyperextend fingers/wrists Work Proximal to Distal Full Contact Full and Complete Strokes
Effeurage Purpose (4)
Beginning Stroke Tissue Assesment Applying Emolient Moving Blood through Superficial Veins and Local Capillaries
Petrissage Definition
Lifts and seperates the superficial tissues from underlying tissues by using a grasping, lifting and squeezing motion with one or both hands.
Petrissage Varieties (3)
One handed Two handed Bilateral
Petrissage Mechanics (5)
Full handed contact Scoop and squeeze action Fingers scoop tissue towards thumbs Hands soft and contoured J shape rather than L shape
Petrissage Purpose (5)
To loosen and soften tissue Create space in tissue Prepare for deeper work Improve skin and muscle tone Enhance nutrient exchange
Friction Definition
Applies compression and stretch to tissue. The superficial tissue is pressed firmly into underlying surfaces to a point of resistance for stretch and release. Direction of stretch may be across muscle fibers, in line or a combo of both. Can be applied with elbow fist plan heal of hand thumb or braced fingers. Can be specific or broad and addresses the connective tissue element of the musculoskeletal system.
Friction Variations (6)
Broad plane MFR Linear Stationary XFF Broad XFF Warming Circular, J Strokes
Friction Mechanics (6)
Moderate to deep pressure Tissue needs to stretch Scoop under tissue rather than pushing into Neutral wrists Proper alignment of fingers to shoulders Use BODY WEIGHT
Friction Purpose (4)
Stretch and broaden muscle tissue Reduce fascial restrictions Enhance collagen remodeling Help maintain general muscle flexibility
Friction Effects (3)
Histamine release from mast cells Creates local hyperemia Enhanced local fluid movement
Vibration/Jostling Definition
A rapid shaking, quivering, trembling or rocking motion applied with fingertips, hands, or appliance. Fine, Coarse and Rocking. Most physically demanding of all Swedish strokes
FINE Vibration Mechanics
Fine-uses fingertips or hands to tremble skin, keeping fingers and wrists stiff, still maintaining contact with skin