"Sustainable Design Flashcards "

In this, you will learn about the life cycle of a product through Flashcards quizzes. From the production of the product to the disposal of the product, everything in the cycle you will learn, understand easily and smoothly with our best flashcard quizzes.

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Concept used in life cycle analysis to describe the entire life of a material or product from creation to disposal. (oftern before the end of defined life with no consideration for environmental responsibility)
Concept used in life cycle analysis to describe a material or product that is recycled into a new product at the end of it's defined life. This concept of "no waste" is modeled after nature and introduced by William McDonough
Process by which materials that would otherwise become solid watste are collected, separated, or processed, and then returned to the economic mainstream to be re-used in the form of raw materials or furnished goods
Using a material, product, or component of the waste stream in its original form more than once, rather than recycling it into other products
Act of purchasing or consuming less, so as not to re-use or recycle
US EPA designation for sites that have been abandoned, idled, or underused where expansion or redevelopment is complicated because of real perceived environmental contamination
An undeveloped field
Purposeful dispersion of false or exaggerated information by an organization with the intent of presenting an environmentally friendly public image
What does LEED stand for?
Leadership in energy and environmental design
Federal Government program that labels appliances as to energy efficiency; measured in cost of operation per year
Energy Star
Water that is safe for human consumption
Potable water
Waste water composed of wash water from kitchen, bathroom, and laundry sinks, tubs and washers. Untreated.
Grey water
Waste water from toilets and urinals. Definitions vary, and sometimes waste water from kitchen sinks, showers, and bathtubs are considered such under certain codes
Black water
An analysis of the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service
Life Cycle Assessment
Amortized annual cost of a product that includes raw material aquisition, productino, shipping, installation, operation, maintenance, and disposal costs over a products life time
Life Cycle Cost