Romanian: Subjunctive Mood

Examples of the subjunctive. Subjunctive: when a verb expresses a wish, possibility, intention, condition, urgency etc as opposed to simply expressing a fact. Eg: '(I want) you to be here' as opposed to 'you are here'; '(it's important) that he try to study' as opposed to 'he tries to study'.

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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El vrea să aibă
He wants to have
Ei vor să aibă
They want to have
El vrea să întrebe
He wants to ask
Ei vor să întrebe
They want to ask
El vrea să lucreze
He wants to work
Ei vor să lucreze
They want to work
El vrea să vadă
He wants to see
Ei vor să vadă
The want to see
El vrea să meargă
He wants to go
Ei vor să meargă
They want to go
El vrea să ştie
He wants to know
Ei vor să ştie
They want to know
El vrea să citească
He wants to read
Ei vor să citească
They want to read
Vreau să fiu
I want to be