Stress Management Mid-term Exam Flashcards

Prepare important abbreviations, topics, terms, and much more for stress management midterm with Flashcards quizzes. Revise and don't miss out on any topic in the course of stress management. Attempt the flashcard quizzes on Stress Management for Midterm Exam and become a master of this topic with ease and fun.  

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autonomic nervous system, responsible for involuntary body functions i.e. digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, body temp. (Controlled by the hypothalamus)
Sympathetic Nervous System
part of the ANS, responsible for instigating the flight or fight response
Flight or Fight Response
Designed to help us do one thing: SURVIVE
central portion of the brain that regulates emotions
plays a key role in the stress response for integrating SNS and PNS and delivers message throughout the endocrine system to initiate the secretion of hormones
Adrenal glands
produce epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine hormones that flood every cell in the body with the specific message to prepare for flight – or – fight
Adrenal Medulla
Releases stress hormones into bloodstream
Adrenal Cortex
Releases cortisol, another stress hormone
Pituitary gland
an endocrine gland that secretes hormones regulating homeostasis (in the hypothalamus)
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
biological theory; process where body tried to adap to stress by 3 stages: Alarm, Resistance, & Exhaustion
Cognitive techniques
- Positive self-talk (stream of consciousness) i.e. internal dialogue, listen to what you are thinking, avoid negative self-talk - Thought-stopping (learned optimism) i.e. replace with positive thinking, needs practice, avoid pessimism - Power-language i.e change words often, avoid I cant & I wont - Going with the flow i.e. avoid flowing with things that are destructive to you and/or others
Holistic health
Health is more than just the absence of disease and more than just the physical dimension
Dimensions of Health
Physical: Cells, organs, tissues, etc., are working well i.e. Headaches, drug use, etc. Intellectual (Mental): Ability to think and learn from experiences Ie. Forgetfulness, poor concentration, etc. Emotional: Feelings i.e. anxiety, frustration, etc. Spiritual: Persons principles and values that give meaning, direction, & purpose i.e. lack of meaning, lack or purpose, loneliness, depression, low self- esteem/self- worthiness, inability to love, feeling abandoned Social: Ability to relate to others and express care and concern i.e. isolation, lashing out, clamming up, lowered sex drive, nagging, less friends. Using people
Psychological health
encompasses emotional & mental health
Psychosomatic Diseases
- conditions that have a mind/body component