Strategic Management / Strategy and Integration in Organizations Exam Test 1

Strategy and Integrat

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Statement explaining why a company exists
Provides context for all decisions whitin the organization
Useful for internal and external audiences
Crystalization of what leaders wnat firm to be
Guides development of strategy and organization
Mostly internal use with the exception of slogan
How to beat present and potential competitors
Strategic plan
Lists set of actions to provide products or services that create more value than their cost
Strategic plan
Constatnlys changes in response to customer experience, trial & error
Strategic plan
For internal use only
Strategic plan
The study of why some firms outperform others
Strategic management
Alternative views of 'outperform others'
Economic value model, other than wealther creation, stakeholder surplus model
Strategy objective is to maximize shareholder wealth
Economic value model
Objective that are used as surrogates for evertual wealth or the fulfillment of a mission
Other than wealth creation
Defines beneficiary group and maximizes wealth for total group
Stakeholder surplus model