ST Complete Review 3-Micro

ST Complete Review 3-Micro

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Microorganisms thast cause disease are known as:
Microorganisms that can be macroscopic and treated with antihelmintic drugs are:
Parasitic worms
Mycotic infections (athlete's foot and ringworm) are caused:
Organisms that cause hepatitis are:
The bacteria that are spherical in shape, appear in clusters, and are the most common cause of post-operative wound infection are:
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacteria that live only in the presence of oxygen are called:
Which of the following bacilli are spore forming anaerobes, found in soil, and capable of causing gas gangrene
Clostridium perfringens
Which of the follolwing infectious organisms is most likely to be transmitted through a contaminated needle stick
Hepatitis B
A tough resistant "shell form" of some gram-positive bacilli which is extremely resistant to destruction and toward which all sterilization methods are aimed is a/an:
An enzyme produced by some virulent microoganisms, such as the hemolytic streptococcus, that breaks down fibrin and leads to wound infection is:
A microbial relationship in which one organism lives completely at the expense of the host is:
The most widely used method for identifying bacteria by dividing them into two groups is:
Gram stain
Normal flora of the intestinal tract includes:
Escherichia coli
The most likely portal of entry for the treponema pallidum organism is:
The genitourinary tract
When a patient has generalized infection, the WBC count would: